About Us
YEDİGÖL KİMYA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ, is born out of a vision to provide value products of high quality at
affordable price for those who cherish their dreams of having their own roof. As rightly
said the kind only a true heirloom can inspire about the legacy passed on to the new
generation in the old touch, with new scopes and innovative ideas. YEDİGÖL KİMYA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ
has tried to pass on the old legacy in the modern age shapes to build green horizons,
suiting to the needs and dreams of the new generation. We have improvised ourselves to
the call of the day needs, in supplying the customers need.
In response to the ever-increasing competition and discriminating consumer tastes in
the region, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards. Management
recruited from some of the leading branded-goods companies with world-class talent to
give customers full product support. Staffed with professionally trained sales team,
equipped with high level of efficiency & expertise, we are always available to support
any size/type of products needed with ease for our customers.
We take pride in our products, and we strive to bring you the same quality and high
standards that have made us proud. Being a model in the sector and we are progressing
with the developments in the market.